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Yay! if you're here, you have a great desire to claim Harmonious Union. Follow these 5 simple steps or...

Get on a short call to receive support with your purchase

Discovery Call

Step 1: Purchase Twin Flame Ascension School

Choose your membership, then put "Yoreen" as a referral to receive the free 1:1 coaching sessions

Apply for TFAS

Step 2: Save your seat for the Valentine's Day Workshop

To know how I applied the Romance Attraction e-course in my life

V-Day Special Workshop

Step 3: Sign up for the 8 email lessons from Twin Flames Universe

I will use these lessons as support during my workshop

8 free lessons

Step 4: Save the event in your calendar

Save in calendar now

Step 5: Log in here to start using the Community ressources

Log in

Unsure how to do all of that? Get on a short call to receive support with your purchase

Discovery Call